About a project

As part of the project, we support teachers in building an entrepreneurial attitude in students, thanks to which young people will be able to use their potential and successfully face life and professional challenges. We invite to participate teachers of citizenship education, entrepreneurship, class teachers and career counselors from vocational schools.

The aim of the project is:
  • to prepare teachers to support students in the development of social and civic competences during entrepreneurship lessons, parenting hours, career guidance classes and social studies,
  • to simplify and make more attractive the content related to entrepreneurship
  • Strengthening entrepreneurial attitudes,
  • Preparing young people for the role of conscious and socially responsible employees and employers,
  • to show different possibilities of running a business, with particular emphasis on social and environmental responsibility.

The program will include 12 scenarios. 8 related to the topic of entrepreneurship and 4 on setting up a business/social enterprise. Each scenario includes 2 lessons of 45 minutes each. The scenario consists of:

  • lesson plans for teachers,
  • Additional material fot student in the form of a film or animation,
  • tasks to test students’ knowledge and skills in practice.  

The scenarios can be implemented in two paths

  • Basic path 

Teachers declare participation in the introductory training, a minimum of 2 webinars and the implementation of a minimum of 5 lessons from the set along with the practical tasks.

  • Advanced path

Teachers complete the basic track extended with lessons on setting up a business/social enterprise. Pupils, with mentoring support from the CEO, set up their business/social enterprise and receive a mini-grant to implement the planned activities.
Students from both paths can take part in a separate recruitment for one of the practical professional skills workshops from the pool prepared by our Partners – Kooperatywa Dobrze and Kuchnia Konfliktu.


Projekt „Młodzi Przedsiębiorczy. Program rozwoju kompetencji społecznych i obywatelskich w szkołach branżowych’’ korzysta z dofinansowania o wartości 110 187,00 EUR otrzymanego od Islandii, Liechtensteinu i Norwegii w ramach Funduszy EOG. Celem projektu jest wypracowanie i wdrożenie kompleksowego programu rozwijania kompetencji społecznych i obywatelskich (KS) uczniów szkół branżowych poprzez nauczanie przedsiębiorczości w praktyce”.